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Despite My Past, God Can Use Me

I want to address something that might be on some of y'all's minds. I was thinking, perhaps, that you might be thinking, "She's had 2 'failed' marriages; how can she help me? How can she do marriage ministry? Her marriage hasn't been restored; how can she claim victory?" First, I fully believe that God has put it on my heart to do this, so "if God has brought me to it, He'll see me through it" and "God doesn't call the equipped; He equips the called" and "what Satan meant for my harm, God will use for my good (and the good of others)." I could go on with more of these sayings, but I believe this will be successful, not because of me, but because it's for God's glory, to further His kingdom & purposes. Second, I encourage you to model your marriage after other successful, Christian-based marriages. I'm more than willing to be the one that you look to for what NOT to do. I do not carry shame where my journey is concerned; I own every bit of it. Third, there are different kinds of victories to be had in my situation. My marriage has not been restored yet; I do not have that victory yet, BUT I have personal victories in many different areas of my life that will better prepare me for whatever God has in store. Fourth, I'm also the one you can look to for what to do when things fall apart. God has revealed many things to me about myself, my husband, my marriage, Satan, marriage in general, faith, responses to life circumstances, love, etc. I know He wants me to share these things with you. Lastly, if nothing else, I believe in marriage; I can be here to help support, encourage and nurture your marriage. In addition, I'm driven to help WIVES experience PERSONAL victories through Jesus that will help them in how they respond to their marriage relationship. Be blessed.

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