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I Have to Give It Away if I Want to Keep it

I have a BA degree in Psychology. I have been working in the behavioral health field since 1999. I've been providing substance abuse treatment since 2000. I'm a certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor. As part of my work in this field, I've been to over 100 AA, NA & CA meetings. On April 1, 2016, in order to help me deal with my husband's mistress, I started attending Celebrate Recovery, a Christian-oriented 12-step program. I have completed a step-study, but I'm still working with my sponsor to complete steps 4 & 9. I'm not a "Christian Counselor," but I am a Counselor who is Christian and it is this back ground that I bring with me in my drive to help other Christian wives experience victory in their mindset, emotions, faith & marriage relationships.

So if you are married, or know anyone, especially a woman who is married and is a Christian or WILLING to address the following issues from a biblical standpoint, please contact me: Personal Issues: Anger, Impatience, Criticalness, Depression/Hopeless/Despair, Anxiety/Fear/Worry, Unforgiveness, Love vs In Love, Faith/Trust (in God), including Faith vs Belief & Other (you tell me, I'll see if God can lead me to help in that area). Specific Marriage Issues (for example: submission or adultery). We will use a variety of mediums: The Bible itself, workbook based bible studies, articles, devotionals, books, personal experience, etc. Also recognizing when Satan is attacking your marriage.

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